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Most judge their life span by the age they are at
They keep forgetting that, it is in his hand the bat
They talk as if they have endless years in hand
When life will slip out , like from hands grain of sands
If everyone they keep pushing and cannot give time
Would love to know where their time is utilized prime
Yes we work to earn , got to quench our family’s need
But when souls want to feed they are treated as garden weed
Hey! How much do you need and what for do you need
Are you earning in one birth, your ten generation’s greed
When you go, nothing you will take, you know
Leave the next generation to reap as per what they sow
For only that will happen what is destined to happen
Your stored wealth might get stolen and your spirit dampen
Feed your soul and the souls around who crave you
Give some time when they need and not for future, them shoo
When his bat will strike you , no money can put it away
This is the rule of life and remember the master striker who plays
You still have time to change your ways
In a moment of time, your world might sway.
©sunita grover raina2022

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