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You said
To make me quiet
You will hug me tight
That will end the fight
Shut me up it might
But who was fighting
I was relaxing
My thoughts enlightening
Confusing your understanding
Your views collapsing
You said
I always needed to win
But is that a sin
If somehow, creeped under your skin
And tell me how, wherein?
But who wants to win
I was discussing a subject
To which you did not object
You tried to wisdom inject
Some explanations I did reject
You said
I should learn to listen
For this is not a competition
Proper reasons with explanation
Should be in every discussion
But who said I was not listening
That I do not speak with reasoning
It was only when you were weakening
That you started sweetening
And then
You said
To make me quiet
You will hug me tight
That will end the fight
Shut me up it might.
©sunita grover raina2023
photo credit–digital art by Ken Furnace

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