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Take it with a pinch of salt
Why should I write
about women
When the prize
will go to men
Hang on!
these are not
my words
So please do not
draw swords
I and many will not
take part
Just to prove our worth
tear ourself apart
Let men praise women
to the moon
For into their arms
to get and swoon
But we women know
the reality
Their duality
their actuality
They will write
and amongst fight
With all their
collective might
To nonstop impress us
Using crocodile tears
and lot of fuss
Their only wicked
To see their names
On award certificates
To on line post
and address
But we women
are very smart
We will relax
having drinks
and jam tarts
Let them do
what they want
Compete everywhere
and flaunt
Brag around
for a few days
Let the Women’s day
move out of the way
Back into their own places
they will settle
These competitions were just
to test their mettle.
©sunita grover raina2022

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