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It is the same God who has made us all
What is right and what is wrong
Who decides this , is my call
The temple bells I want to dong
I think about the clinging child
The hanging mother
What punishment is this
How to grab him and how to hide
Preyed mother is she in peace
The kid so pure knows mother’s touch
His eyes, yet to open, to life so gore
Is clinging to love, moving towards death
Dear God what did you store, what more?
It is such times ,I ask my God
What for, us in this world you got
Could you not make a better world
Keep us away from painful thoughts
I tell my soul to keep trust in you
Do good though I see all evil around
Why should I keep my trust in you
Why should I let that paradise hound
You showed me a lot of earthly hell
What more can there be left for me
I took to thinking ,things will get well
Forget about what happens to me
God for this baby you did plan swell
You have no answers for me to tell
I am in no mood to hear your views
Your sweet talk for me to confuse
A beautiful world for a limited lot
Short sighted immersed in what they got
They see only their small world formed
Till pain and fear in life get stormed
And praise you lord to wash their sins
While the innocent get snipped their fins
If you could create all this for us
Could you not create a world of love
Or did your resources too fall short
Like it does here, for a good thought
Don’t you wish your children always smile
Or is it the tears that you wish to pile.
No need to flood this world to ruin
The tears itself will ruin your world
(c)sunita grover raina2021
Photo credit net

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