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Why get confused by love
Just follow your loving heart
Do not waste time thinking
This moment too will soon depart
Are you going to live eternally
Are you of that level, really
Love to you seems very easy
It is your lust which makes you uneasy
If love hovers just grab it
Do not just stare at it and sit
You think you can get it later
Love will not be again served on a platter
Love comes fast and goes
In you creating some woes
But why blame love, blame yourself
You were waiting that better ones
would satisfy thyself
Love comes to one and all
Do not label love big or small
Just hold it, for it, fall or crawl
Yes in some, the brains make them stall
For love does not see your colour
Your religion ,pockets or glamour
But love smiles and flies to its mate
Where the mate is waiting with all open gates
In each other’s arms they love to sleep
Into an endless loving slumber deep
Always in physical touch they want to keep
Into each other’s soul they peep
Just the mere presence also makes them smile
Sometimes their thoughts travel for miles and miles
Nothing around matters to these love doves
All hungers they fulfill feeding on love.
©sunita grover raina2022
Photo credit net

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