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Why can’t you say
“I love you”
I do not understand
your strange language
You want to learn Chemistry
That is my subject
Do not bother beyond
the chemistry of love
You know English
So do I
Why bring in all those
unheard words
to complicate love
Why can’t you say
“I love you”
I know you are a poet
So am I
I do not want the ghosts of
Keats ,Frost or whosoever in you
I want you
The actual you
This artificial intellectual get up
Keep for others
I see you and only you
Why can’t you say
“I love you”
When your heart writes
Your poetry is divine
And when the head
Tasteless and dead
Do not bring this weirdness
To murder our love
Why can’t you say
“I love you”
You will lose your love
You think they love you
Remove the horse hood
from your eyes
View all in wide angle
Let our hearts entangle
Why can’t you say
“I love you”
In the world hereafter you will
carry only love
Very rarely laid poems
rise from dead
And live eternally
They rest in peace
and come alive
If destined as seeds
But love is ever alive
Why can’t you say
“I love you”.
©sunita grover raina2021
Photo credit net

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