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The rights got me nowhere
Should have listened
to the wrongs
Had I a magic eraser
I would wipe everything out
Start once more afresh
With my eyes tied with cloth
Or better still be blind
That nothing reaches my heart
With my soul I do live
With my soul as my love
I lived my life yes
It now looks a mess
I cheated my soul
A crime I do hold
I hid my true self
My soul always told
What mattered the most
Was left all alone
All my breaths please do take
Let my soul be at peace
Both are racing our lives
At a super sonic speed
My soul always ahead
And I might drop dead.
But to wait I won’t call
Its speed I won’t stall
Let it take off
Fly to that world.
We both made it
©sunita grover raina2021
Photo credit to the owner

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