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This universe is nothing but a love song
Playing non stop and travelling in all directions
The day this song stops, this universe will collapse
Keep singing and keep loving
For this is all we are
The more you sing
The more beautiful the world
The more you love
The more peaceful this world
I wonder if you have music playing within you as I do
I never could get impressed by degrees
If the person had no music within
I can sense these living dead bodies
They scare me more than invisible ghosts
You may not have the voice
but surely you will hum within
this eternal song of love
You do not need to search for love outside
in some one else
You do not need to think no one loves you
You yourself are love
Just try loving yourself
Watch how love rushes towards you
Yes if two love, really get together
it becomes more interesting
Love always seeks love
Love always loves love
If you can love life
in any form
Then you are surely love
Then you are also a resonating love song
Who is going to sing and love eternally.
©sunita grover raina 2022
Photo credit net

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