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How far has your soul gone
Can I catch up with you
Even though I have no clue
I am still trapped in this body
Though now appears shoddy
Can I fly fast to reach you
Did you leave some trace behind
For me to find
Some signs
Hidden in heavenly shrines
On seeing me, would chime
So that I reach you
Surely such thoughts
were in your head
Which only by me
could be read
To reach you
I might sense the road
you took
My keen observation
for traces look
But if I fail
Did you leave some fragrance
Some trails
I have so many questions
sitting here
You too surely thinking
the same out there
You promised to be
ever together
But destiny took you
quickly thither
Do not let them wipe
your memories
Keep alert all your
spiritual sensories
Hide till I reach you
Then together we will disappear
in the blue
Never to be caught
Never to be trapped
In this body
Ever will we remain
a nobody.
©sunita grover raina 2023

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