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Today was the thirteenth day
Rituals are a must all say
Will this close the chapter, hey!
A twin soul of mine has gone away
We will meet again in that world there
Never to separate due to karmas ever
This is to be our last birth here
It is a matter of few more years, mere
All my loved ones I will get to meet
Oh! God ,hope this paradise, is a love treat
I shut my ears to those who say it will us cheat
I am desperately waiting to hug them and greet
You visited me after you left the body organic
I too was waiting for your soul aromatic
You touched my head and I did not panic
Life and death has made me asymptomatic
Every death is an answer to my question
Live to love and die without hesitation
But why do good people suffer early annihilation
Not only early but through a painful situation
Is the last death a very painful death
Does the last death seek faster its berth
Is it desperate to reach early the hearth
Is it desperate to breathe its last breath.
©sunita grover raina 2022

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