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Love; in some, simply sprout out
as mushrooms
They seem to be responding to
favourable seasons
Otherwise under the mud
well covered their feelings
Hibernating like toads,
in winter freezing
You need to give them
special electric jolts
At least of four hundred
and forty volts
To make them realize
they are not toads
Who have come in this world
to simply goad
Leave them to fend
for themselves
In their small world of a
tightly shuttered well
They will hop out
only when hungry
Then feed them
five days old leftover turkey
Just relish the vibrations
in their bodies
Like John Travolta
doing tap dancing
This is the shock
I had just talked about
To get them back
to their senses fast
They will coo or whimper
like a puppy
Like cats rub themselves
on you very happy
Forget they were toads
dreaming under toadstools
Even accept that they were
bloody fools
Suddenly remember they had
promised to love you
Their interests apart from you
were only few
But never get trapped in their
well planned games
Keep jolting them dedicatedly
time and again
For it does not take them much time
to become a toad
These toads if kissed do not turn into Princes
who white horses rode.
©sunita grover raina2022
Photo credit net

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