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My search for love never ever ends
Also my broken heart never mends
Why for me is this love different
And for others differently meant
All I need is to be totally together
Good or bad , in which ever weather
But never should I be left alone
Must be within eye contact zone
For I like to be with the one I love
To be nuzzled and petted like done to a dove
I don’t need gifts I don’t need Benz
Non ending love are my precious gems.
This love within me should turn to blood
Reach every corner every cell should flood
Would love to get fully drowned in it
Would love to be called a love addict
Let even the doors to heaven be shut
Let all my links to God be cut
My heart will seek the love I need
Will not accept what others on feed
Oh! God give me the love I crave
Waiting since births ,seen many a grave.
©sunita grover raina 21/11/21
Photo credit to the owner

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