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The leaf on fire.
Burning with desire.
Implanted in place of my heart.
Intentionally by him .
I know why.
Just to keep track of me.
Just to enjoy the madness in me.
Just to keep love burning within me.
Burning like a Chinar tree.
The smile turned to fear in my father’s eyes.
On seeing his child collecting Chinar leaves
in her folded frock.
At the tender age of seven
On the roads of Kashmir .
Dusting them,caressing them and kissing them.
This fear which kept him close to me, till he left.
The same fear I saw in my sister’s eye
When she saw me picking Maple leaves ,
In the fields of Maryland.
It starts with a smile and turns into fear .
When I told her I was collecting this
for my friends dear.
Yes this is the madness they fear and I fear my love.
I wish when I die they cover me
with these leaves and ignite.
Burning , leaves already on fire.
But one will not burn , for…..
He has to keep track of me.
He has to enjoy the madness in me.
He has to keep this love burning in me.
Burning like a Chinar tree.
©sunita grover raina2021
photo credit net


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