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God made this world and made us too
Since thousand of years, living together—-true
Why humans became the defective piece
Made themselves crazy, left no one at ease
Only we evolved and are needed to tame
Butterflies, birds and bees are mentally same
Do we possess a mutilated defective gene
Which made us forget our very own being
And gave us a head as big as a melon
Filled with corruption, it got swollen
The whole world breathes so beautifully
Except this big head, who mutated miserably
I can accept all, live with everyone around
But this swollen headed blunder, on this earth found
God ! dump them in some planet far
Let them live there alone and each other scar
Let earth be free of these breed of thugs
Let earth sing love songs and each other hug.
©sunita grover raina 2022
photo credit-net

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