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Sunita Grover Raina and Fibby Bob Kinney take pleasure in presenting
Fibby Bob Kinney
I wake up each day being a man
To view the big wide world that I span
My sinew and bone on manly being
To welcome myself on all I am seeing.
A man I was born in this world of light
I lay my strong body in bed at night
In my dreams I wonder sometimes
If a woman feels like this at times
What a mystery womanhood is to man
Yet, together the day and night they span
I, in the sureness of my manly ways
Does she share with me the same ways
Sunita Grover Raina
We do awake but not in ease
In deep sleep too our mind not at peace
Brain working non stop keeps changing procedures
To make the next day fine with no chance of failures
As feet touches the ground from the bed
The eyes get fixed to the clock overhead
No plan should fail all work should be done
Keep a smile on the face even if life is no fun
But mind you no woman with age mentally moulds
Bodily they age but dreams of 16 they hold
They want to be treated as a newly wed bride
At every phase of life this within heart they hide
Man never could truly love a woman dearly
With passing years they look at them barely
Though men age too their eyes always stray
And poor women in their hearts sincerely pray
For it is not easy for any women to accept this
With time though together those pure kisses they miss
Man should realize that their homes are spic and span
Had his woman not been there how could he be a man
Fibby Bob Kinney
My head on a pillow in a vision I heard
The soft voice of a woman’s every word
She seemed to be talking to me in a dream
She spoke in a whisper, sometimes in a scream
Her words tried to tell me what she kept inside
From me she chose nothing to hide
I felt the tingle of her enlightening words
As she poured out her heart pasture in herds.
So different were her needs in basic form
A lot of things I took simply as norm
Yet, to her little things had great meaning
As she alone could bring a baby into being.
My manly heart had at its core
A true feeling for her to tell me more
How can I touch the warmth in her voice
To make her happy and feel rejoice?
Sunita Grover Raina
You said rightly all that you heard
It was always there inside your head
In heart of hearts you always knew
You were never ever really true
It was your own pure conscience pricking
Coming as a dream and which was tricking
When you found yourself changing to selfless
Praise for your partner became endless
Thank god at least you have realized
Though it took you sometime to summarize
That she surely is a divine being
Divinely far sighted her seeing
Your manly heart has started feeling
Your soul has now started healing
You want to feel her warmth for ever
Ok dear no probs….better late than never.

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