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The cursor is blinking, on the white screen
Waiting for his words to come within
God please give fast, I am feeling sleepy
Yawning away, eyes dripping, wet and weepy
These words I am typing is just to move on
I want those words, which itself are born
These I am thinking to fill the white space
But the ones with feelings are actually God’s grace
No one will read, my poem tomorrow
I dished up this one, in frustration and sorrow
Is this a poem, looks a tasteless cooked mess
Got to wait, will know, tomorrow morning I guess
They are bound to realize that this is plain trash
Words somehow stuck, like mixed vegetable mash
Whatever be it but the flow is the same
Hey God! I do feel you are playing a game
For I did not edit a single typed word
The words kept coming, not thought of, not heard
Hey! this is a new way, you made me to type
Ha! this is a new way, you chose, to up hype
This too you gave ,this poem also yours
An idiot you made out of me for sure
Strange, you are dear and strange are your ways
You twisted my arms, when you could give straightaway.
©sunita grover raina 2022
Photo credit net

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