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How sad I feel that the one I love
Looks at me with the same eyes
as others he looks at
He is well aware that
that I love him.
My reactions he interprets
as challenges
For I now know that we are
of the same nature
My strange behavior is
just to make him
understand that something
Is wrong within me
Look at me
As I am also getting desperate
But I am further shoved
Into the corner and laughed at
And on doing so
he is hurting himself too
I can sense this
I will never explain
I will never clarify
For I loved him for his
Intelligence and simplicity
And now I find that
He is depriving himself of
these two traits
Two attempts I took
To poke him
And both foiled
Got spoiled
Being an introvert and stubborn too
I will not open my mouth
Won’t give him a slightest hint
Just wait and watch
If he understands
or not.
He is playing
the same game with me
For I cannot open up
and utter the three words
to him
As I respect him too.
He should understand
my silence
This is not a silence of
surrender or defeat
This is the silence
of love.
c/r@sunita grover raina2021
photo credit net

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