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My small world
in my small hands I hold
Be loving ,be caring,
be honest, be bold
Son try to shine
like the sunny sun gold
In you my lost love,
your father, I behold
You came with your destiny
by him well written
I just a media for your soul
to be taught to listen
Though like all mothers
I too am in love smitten
I can only pray to God
for your pain part to be bitten
Son live your life happily
but do keenly observe
You too will get what you
rightfully deserve
Work hard and your life
well manoeuvre
Rest leave it to God
and his wise end to subserve
My experiences might not work
perfectly for you
Do not ever get bothered
by who is who
In the end of the day
it is what good did you do
How much did you love and
how much were you true.
©sunita grover raina 2022

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