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You look at rose
As taught to you
Like nothing beautiful
than the moon
Let thorns there be
Let craters be
All accepted,
as were taught
you see
Now come to beings
You want the same
But thorns and craters
should not be
Love them the same
Give them a name
Place them too
in a hall of fame
Your hearts should join
Drinking cups of wines
Mentally entwine
And be physically fine
Why not you feel
As for rose and moon
What do they give
that declared a boon
Leave Rose and Moon
What else you saw
I can show you roses
and many moons
You don’t have eyes
to see them dear
No tags are hanging
on them dear
Your love is taught
Not what should
be sought
No wonder they
appease and cheer
You missed so many
Roses and moons
declaring them ugly
unaware .
©sunita grover raina2022
Photo credit to the owner

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