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Actual pleasures are hidden in small things
In small bites and in small beginnings
Better to go up the ladder slowly
Do not mind if made to feel lowly
When one has nothing in hands
Alone in a hidden corner stands
A smile on a face raises one’s hopes
Life no longer appears walking on tightropes
Go! man go, for the smaller things around
Pleasures will tiptoe and in you abound
Your eyes see big, therefore the soul sad
A simple red leaf can also make you mad
And they drown themselves in addictive drugs
Murdering their souls, when the remedy a hug
Let all walk together and you walk alone
Don’t shy to pick the red leaf, let not it get blown
For actual pleasures are hidden in small things
In small bites and in small beginnings.
©sunita grover raina2022
Photo credit net

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