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My poetic friends are such loving ones
All requests accepted I am having fun
From all corners of the world are they
In different time zones these dears do stay
My good night sleep has gone to hell
Day and night rings the notification bell
At times I have five chat boxes on
And while I chat some more are born
All prepared with questions loaded great
And all want their answers fast and straight
Not that they could not go elsewhere
It is the love that drags them to me right here
They start with -dear I know it is late
But sorry dear I could no longer wait
Such gems they are I can’t say no
Sit down to answer them in one go
At times my eyes can’t focus straight
And answer of one goes to the other’s gate
By the time I type the answers right
The one in the fifth box is ready to fight
No patience they have and none can wait
At the dead of night want to know what I ate
The second box wants to know how to paste
All his poems in the forums, no time can he waste
The first box is yelling-hey there , are you dead
Can’t you first reply and then go to bed
The second one screaming hey what did you eat
What is taking so long, you Indians are cheats
Glanced at the fourth box why is he so quiet
Thank god his English weak and slowly he types
In 60 years I had friends only three hundred and three
If I continue in this sphere it might touch infinity.
c/r sunita grover raina 2021
photo credit net

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