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By September 21, 2023No Comments
I believe in past births sincerely
I believe in their existence seriously
Every present moment becomes your past
Every present moment temporarily lasts
My birth was also a moment in time
My death too will be a moment prime
I have come and gone donning a new dress
My soul flew as directed to the changing address
I became what he wanted me to
And accordingly with time did I grew
Two pasts I sensed and still alive in senses
Karmic impressions we carry of those past tenses
One birth ended when I was just six
I fell from a height and the moment stays fixed
Another birth though grand but know not the end
Glimpses of it in my dreams were sent
I was a princess in the Rajasthan region
A kind soul who accepted, loving Nature as religion
I was loved by all and I loved all
None would let me stall or ever let me fall
I dressed in the same wear as of those days
But strange, I looked same and so were my ways
Was I destined to have the same appearance
Who can to these questions give a clearance
Last night my artistic friend messaged
I clicked her messenger page and stared
She sent me a pic of my same past birth
In the dress I wore when I walked that earth
Is this a way we connect to each other
Connected we are having the same mother
This universe is vast and ever expanding
But our births on this earth is time bounding.
©sunita grover raina 2023
Photo credit Marie Harris.

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