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If real roses are not meant for you
Will the paper roses for you do
Just look around
None you found
With the true fragrance
All are carrying a paper rose
Just sprinkle any perfume
And make your day
You are mad
Why be sad
When all the real roses
are destined to die
With a paper rose
You can change the colour
of your life
Change the fragrance
of your life
What is your problem
Is this life not a dream
Make your dream colourful
Is this life not a reflection
Make your reflection beautiful
Is love not a fragrance
Ha! you crave the same in all births
When will you learn fool
Death is getting bored
with you too.
To collect you
And bring you back.
Time is ticking.
Either take the paper rose
Or get lost.
Go back to your world
You are not of this world.
What you left behind
Is no longer here.
©sunita grover raina2021
photo credit net

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