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Now just one more
last wish remains
With heart I thought
now let it be brain
For some swallow omelettes
Keeping dream pics in front
I need two dead arms
that thoughts confronts
When I do wish
they hold me tight
When thoughts of mine
with thoughts do fight
Who cares, not blood
and flesh are they
Who cares if robotic arms
I play
I have no place
to soak more pain
I have no place for
love to contain
Let all be virtual
Let all be dreams
‘Real’ choked me fine
Why should I scream
Was moving around
with painted smiles
These smiles like fire
moved miles and miles
This world is false
Just a show piece
What all I gathered
I throw with ease
What now I am
Is what I need
This love a pain
On pain I feed
For pain is love
And love is pain
We gave them names
They both rain same
For nothing can wipe
My painted smiles
They have travelled afar
For miles and miles
Come life do come
and play with me
A loser at all times
you will surely be
You turned me into
a philosopher’s stone
All crave my touch
Now I walk alone.
©sunita grover raina2022
Photo credit net’

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