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I sit at times to think of past
Many a steps back I go in time
In my days of beauty
In my days of youth
When sweets were laid
on every path and route
Why was I scared
to grab those sweets
And always acted
I cannot see
Such lovely sweets
in lovely wrappers
The others snatched
I saw as trappers
Many steps forward
I move again
I find them in fun,
life not mundane
I meet them too
who had placed those dress
Which though pretty ,
would look a mess,
on me ,I confess
Can you fit in a size
not meant for you
The ones I picked
looked the discarded few
Yet they look at me
and I look at them
Outgrown the size
those dress to wear
Had I changed the dress
and with them had gone
Could I have walked
these steps
It hounds
Many years passed
yet I love my sweets
Those nicely wrapped ones
still trying to tease
One thing now sure
they were meant for me
But picked by others
to taste to spree
Happy they show
living an unlived life
Happy not I
but I lived my life
I am still the same
with the sweets I prize
Donning those dresses
which time fits my size.
©sunita grover raina2021
Photo credit net

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