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I lost my father when I was just 25
He taught me well till he was alive
Who knew he would go so early
Taught his kids to be loving and pearly
He was my hero, he was a man
Till date no one could match my superman
What I am today is because of him
Everything he taught me with his love within
Turned all tough things to an amusing game
And his four kids are welcoming and playing the same
He taught me to cook , he taught me to ride
Taught me maths and take the right side
Never lie and be bold to speak out the reality
Look people straight in eyes and expose the actuality
I am living my life ditto as he taught
For justice all four of us always fought
A Pilot he was and what a daring person
Taught us to challenge God, if there was a reason
I cannot help it ,if I am not understood
I will never compromise, for what till now I stood
Till my last day I will move in his ways
Some more days to go, no one comes here to stay
One thing I am sure of , his ways were perfectly right
For God too loves my ways and enjoys my fights.
©sunita grover raina2022
On the way to Srinagar ,Kashmir. Sitting in the cockpit with my father . Those were the days. Be happy wherever you are.
Captain Motilal Raina.

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