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Old age, many think to be a nightmare
They stand before mirrors and sadly stare
And their own reflections give them a scare
It is the old look that they fear
Grow up gracefully with maturity
There will be no visible disparity
You need to see things with clarity
Scared are you of the old look’s unpopularity
People try their best to look fresh and young
With passing years want to come down the rungs
Maybe deceive their age with money and false tongues
But a day will come when songs of beauty will not be sung
Ask your soul does it care a hoot about the aging body
The soul is ever young and does not care for any body
It is always happy to don new designer wear and give up the shoddy
Welcomes, changing a body to spiritually embody
It is the mind playing dirty and deceiving you
Making you lose respect for the glowing hues
Aging takes you to your final destination true
Welcome it lovingly and understand its value.
©sunita grover raina 2022
Photo credit net

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