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I do not know why
But somehow the word nice
Looks half dead and half alive
I always feel on hearing it
as if it was uttered half heartedly
That is why half dead and half alive
It is a cold word
Used to abruptly stop all actions
A way to get the other person feel
It is okay…
Leaving his thoughts
hanging in the air
Not understanding
Whether to smile in happiness
Or stay obediently silent
‘Nice’ looks like a fifty-fifty word
You can drag it any side
Though it sits on the fulcrum
And gets you thinking
It also makes me feel
suspicious of the person
Makes me think about them
So many warm words are there
Why nice
Ask your heart
Don’t you have the same
uncanny feeling
about this word
You know why?
It has an’ ice ‘hidden within it.
©sunita grover raina2021
photo credit net

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