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Hey sun ! did your scorching rays
Burn my jasmine essence on its way
He did not reply and I am in dismay
As to what could have happened, I pray!
Hey breeze ! did you steal them for self
Or you gave my love to your friend elf
I am distraught not within myself
My soul is looking at the empty decanter on shelf
But it has to reach just the right one
Not to be wasted on the wrong person
My perfume does not have a new version
That may be replaced to avoid my tension
I have reached the fag end of life in wait
Some more things to reach to him straight
Only you both know his home my dear mates
Only he can decode my letters and relate
Why is his reply not reaching me here
Hey breeze ! please help his reply to appear
My heart is panicking, nothing seems clear
My eyes are brimming ,his welfare I fear
Reach it to me, even if his last letter
Let it be any news, I accept, still better
Our souls are free and not in fetters
If not this birth, then next will be our life setter.
©sunita grover raina2022
Photo credit to the net

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