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The world I live in , is his complex dream.
Where, I feel trapped with others of esteem.
The role he gave me I never understood.
However well I acted , I was never really good .
I tried giving my best , but a failure for sure .
And could not impress the right ones and was labelled a bore .
In heart I knew ,I was definitely not wrong .
So I smiled ,skipped ahead, always humming a song .
But many a times was unhappy and sad .
Why couldn’t I be like them and not labelled mad?
I whole heartedly searched for someone like me .
Who would say , “hey I am same , lost here , come see “.
At times some appeared so, but not exactly.
For they were lying , pretending and acting tactfully.
Days passed into months and months into years.
My role he never changed though my eyes full of tears .
I thought if he can play ,then so can I too .
Let him play with his world and my dream world I drew .
I will act in your world also in mine within .
Mine painted more colourful and this is not a sin .
What I lost in your world I will make up in mine .
A bore in your world , in mine they will pine .
In my world I lead and never to be scoffed .
In my world , word failure ,was never heard of.
Yours is a complex dream and mine a simple one.
Where I play all lead roles and my life always fun .
Did I hear them say, what is out , is within ?
Let me step out and check, if out has become in .
(c)sunita grover raina2021

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