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In this world of cheats
I search for more love.
Only to be cheated again and again.
I still have trust and move along.
My eyes tired of searching.
Now you have to come
and prove that love exists.
In the way you taught me.
In the way I want it.
Or I will lose my trust in
you too.
I feel I do not belong to this world.
Why was I brought here.
I could not change myself
even a little bit.
And became a misfit.
Did my duties with dedication.
Though brain and body toiled hard
my heart was flying elsewhere.
I know what is dear to me.
But a self created scarcity on this earth.
I need more of it desperately.
Or I will lose my trust in
you too.
All hold their share to their chest.
Do not allow this asset to grow.
But allowed pain and misery to thrive.
Thinking it will not touch their doors.
See how it has caught us all.
Just hoping for a better world
won’t get us out of this hell.
We played with feelings.
We played with love.
We played with trust.
So proud of our dealings.
I have absorbed love
but I still want some more of it.
Or I will lose my trust in
you too.
God .. let all realise this blunder.
Help us to rectify ourselves.
Love is free, keep giving ,keep taking.
It is oozing out from everything
you have created except us.
We all have become blind
and hurt life.
We beg you to forgive us
and give us a chance.
Working towards a better world of love.
Or I will lose my trust in
you too.
(c)sunita grover raina2021
photo credit net

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