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Oh! When will things like before be fine?
For my soul pines for those Pines.
Those towering lovers ,how majestically they
stand at such heights.
Forever attracting me and my arms longing to twine
their handsome Trunks.
Remembering my unquenched romantic dates.
All alone with them.
I never am satiated and return with my work not done.
Ever welcoming them to drop their cloaks and drink the red wine I carry
But they prefer being invisible.
You think I am stupid ,I felt your presence always.
You suddenly changed the sets as I appeared.
Made the cool clouds dance in grey silk gowns with a silver lining.
And ordered the Sun to sprinkle the sun shine like gold dust.
Your sweet whiffs would slowly intoxicate me, more than the wine I swallowed alone,
from my goblet and yours.
And I like a fool would step into the dreams you created.
You are hiding in every trunk .
I know.
Strange I never could remember the questions I carried for you in my heart.
You always tricked and sent me home.
With those whiffs to keep me alive,
which none could bottle.
I am carrying a single goblet this time for I intend to stay.
For all is fair in love and war.
So make space for me in one of those …….
To hide.
And seek.
For things like before, will have to be fine.
My soul pines for those Pines.
Sunita Grover Raina .

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