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My God!
God to me listens!
What a big win
I thought he was deaf
In his ears cotton wool
he had stuffed
But now
I understand
His ways are grand
Don’t ever
expect any answer
He is really an enhancer
He gives when he wishes
Scoops out your share
from his dishes
Better late
but never a never
At the right time
gives the giver
I groomed to be
well taught
But it was he
who me wrought
Now when I feel
I am steady
To face anything
I am ready
He has started
answering now
Tells me to throw out all
I am no one to question
how and why
All I need to do
is try
I did it, it was so easy
Like water slides off
a vessel greasy
If I had to throw
why did you
make me do all this?
Said he had to show me
what actually is bliss
Now tell me dear Raina
Did I not you
I feel I am the bird Myna
Singing freely
in the sky.
©sunita grover raina 2023
photo credit to the owner

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