Why God always gives me what others relish
I stare at my platter which filled from his dish
I look up at him and he looks too and smiles
The same he serves me ,for the walked many miles
My plate he keeps filling but I less myself feed
Never he serves me what I actually need
From him will I ask but never will I beg
Never in my plate comes that chicken leg
I look up at him with the same questioning look
He gives me that wicked smile and more chicken he cooks
Oh! If it is so , no more will I ask
I will cook it by myself not a hard task
You do watch and see how my plate I will fill
I will smile and enjoy till its overdose me kill
Once I learn to get it I will keep taking more
You will look like as I looked, and me not as before
Why do you forget the strange lessons you gave
I learnt them all well and in my heart did I save
I know now why you did not give me the leg
For your world you kept it for us to down with a peg.
©sunita grover raina2021
Photo credit to the owner