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The iPhone, you hold
A thing to behold
Wish with her, I could
somehow switch roles
My needs, she ever gets
My eyes on her set
You hold her with care
Oh! how can I this bear
I may be dancing around
Still a lost item never found
You speak so softly to her
Nuzzle her with affection near
Lovingly you caress
Her touch skin dear
At times clean and wipe her
If some dust particles appear
On her sleek slim body
And me a permanent nobody
Your chest pockets her bed
sticks like a newly wed
Dear what do I do
Feel like breaking her in two
If this I do dare
At the same time I fear
My chances become less
Things will turn into a mess
I sit tight and pray
She malfunctions everyday
You then yourself in temper
Will fling her in dumper
That will be my day
I will jump up and say
Good riddance of trash
I will no longer look brash
Now just come to me !
You will weep, I guarantee.
©sunita grover raina2022
Photo credit net

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