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When none understood and none gave time.
I sent a ‘Missed’ call to my soul.
It was not just her voice ,not just her advice.
I really wanted to meet her in whole.
I had no choice but to call her.
She had to wake up, she had to stir.
She would surely respond and really feel.
What I truly needed, which others couldn’t see .
I waited for her to see my missed call.
She did one day and made my world stall.
Sitting and dreaming as I usually do.
Not to be bothered by who is who .
The door bell rang as it mostly does.
None rushed to open with the usual fuss.
Bad luck! there was no one but me.
To open the door and what befell , to see .
I found myself standing glowing with life.
How enticing I looked ,how radiant the smile.
She winked at me and gave the Howdy Buddy? look.
Not waiting to be welcomed and my cold hands she took .
Hugs and Kisses flowed in numbers endless.
While I like a statue stared in a complete mess .
Regaining my self , I pulled her in .
Now fully excited with a wide grin .
Though both looked the same but how different we were.
She was my true self , this to show , she came here .
She said ,”Dear I have come to fill up your loss
and clean up your mind of the fast growing moss. “
We passed every moment in total bliss .
All that I needed was this , yes! this.
She was too perfect and knew me so well .
Got my things organized and threw out the hell .
What do you need from this ever selfish lot ?
Just satiate yourself and kick them all out .
Learn to please yourself and learn to self love .
You can never ditch yourself and look always above .
Now just look at yourself, are we not twins?
equally beautiful , happy and clean .
You won’t ever need to give a ‘missed’ call .
For nothing in this Cosmos will ever let you fall .
It is time for me to go back within .
And for you to move ahead with an up chin .
(c)sunita grover raina2021



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