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Lovers beware of poets.
They are wonderful word wizards.
In a wink they can trap you in their webs.
Woven with honey laced lyrics.
Lovers beware of poets .
Don’t give them a chance to talk.
If you ever ever make this blunder.
They are bound to take you for a walk.
Lovers beware of poets.
Do not read their books on rhymes.
The rhythm will slowly hypnotize you.
In a trance you will go to dine.
Lovers beware of poets.
Never look into their mystic eyes.
They will show such perfect dreams to you.
Whole world will appear a lie.
Lovers beware of poets.
Never leak out your love feelings.
Your heart as ink , will fill their pens.
Into their arms you will go reeling.
I am entangled in their webs.
My soul still dazed and puzzled.
The more I resist , the more I fight.
The more heart wants to nuzzle.
(c)sunita grover raina2021
photo credit net

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