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A strange feeling many a times has gripped me
I feel many behind my back, at me glee
I move with time, which is not in my control
Just a pebble which the flowing stream rolls
Went through many roles as made to act
Never made to sign any written contract
Today I smile yesterday I had cried
Tomorrow this smile may again be made to die
Since a year the great guy is making me to write
This writing a delight and gives me respite
Never was I so happy in my life before
Addicted to it and peace it did restore
I write in forums, feel happy with the given awards
But many laugh at me and say these are not rewards
Some even call it a colourful tissue paper
In no way will it work as a destiny shaper
But my heart feels happy getting these pretty delights
I search for roses and butterflies in them, which me excite
I become easily pleased with small things in life
I ever cut small pieces of cake with a well sharped knife
Too much of happiness I leave to others
Too much might choke my little pleasures
Now let them laugh behind my back and call me stupid
I ever would want to be in all births a stupid lover but lucid.
©sunita grover raina 2022
Photo credit net

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