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Let love be the game of lazy minds
Love will still be love
Let love be the game of active minds
Love will still be love
Let love be the game of a loving heart
Love will still be love
Love within a dead mind and heart
Love will still be love
Love of lovers turned mad
Love will still be love
Love of rejected and dejected souls
Love will still be love
Love unrequited
Love will still be love
Love in dreams or imaginations
Love will still be love
Love in daydreams
Love will still be love
Love has many names
You call it a game
Love will still be love
Those who love
See love in love
See love in life
See life in love
See love within
See love without
In anybody
In a dead body
In a stone
In a moan
In the breeze
In the dancing leaves
In the smile
In ones bile
See how lazy my mind is
See how crazy my kind is
Love will still be love.
©sunita grover raina2022
Photo credit net

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