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I am madly in love
with love that tip toes
I see it everywhere
my attention it owes.
Is it following me around
For It makes no sound
Like a spy it follows
While its every move I swallow
It blows on the hot food
I lift to eat
While eating it watches and
next to me sits
It warms the cold water
that down my neck slips
Items of danger moved aside
lest it makes me trip
My towel moves as per its wishes
Dries me perfectly dry, like my cups and my dishes
The comb glides smoothly
through my curly locked locks
Not a single hair from my tresses
from the floor at me gawks
Soap never dares to touch my two eyes
Those thoughts are broomed too
which might make me to cry
In every object I see it, smiling wickedly at me
A pebble a thorn under my feet now just flee
Oh! how lovely ,this world, to me has
now bound
I see, my own smiles smiling, in everything around
My anger my temper now giggle at me
It was this magic my parents always craved to see
It is that elf, my inner self
In my heart
rightly I guess
That showers love, as it
tip toes, every where
in excess.
©sunita grover raina2022

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