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Not sure that I could
get them absolutely right
Put it down as, my drawback,
if say so, I might
My brain interprets things as I was
unconditionally trained
At times to understand them,
I get absolutely strained
I might look foolish
in eyes of many
But reality should be
accepted definitely
At least I am honest
with my soul within
Could have said a lot
about things, just to win
I dread the thought of
keeping track of said lies
For somewhere or other,
to leak out, it surely tries
I prefer my actuality,
may whatever it be
The actual people
will admire it readily
This is the game people
play in love too
When defeated by similar players
they start to argue
Why not show your
true self to all
I have moved fine
with never a fall
As a matter of fact
I have many who love, me
Honesty and simplicity is
what they, in me see
I could have flaunted
my degrees around too
But I chase love
Why use Chemistry to spew.
©sunita grover raina2022
Photo credit -net

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