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My life changed a lot from
past ‘then’ to present ‘now’
Time kept flying ahead
and that is just how
Why did not, my inner self
too, quickly change
Why was it stagnant for
this long spell of time range
The soul too ages
if life nicely lived
Or stops to age when
life does not give
You still think young
as you did not age
Unmet desires still needed
of that particular stage
With hope and trust you lived
that it will surely come
Your young body got changed
and old did you become
No wonder you appear
mad to people around
You talk like a child,
demented you sound
Just shut up and move
on your laid destined path
No need to mingle
there is nothing more to hath
Never so easy to
understand life’s games
With every birth it slowly
you sincerely tames
You are moving right,
right on the right track
Your love will take you ahead,
now never to look back.
©sunita grover raina2022
Photo credit-net

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