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If there is love in heart
Poetry can’t be far apart
I keep hearing that
it is not every one’s
cup of tea
But I feel differently
and do not agree
It can take birth
at any phase of life
And there are many
who never got a chance to try
Let their dead hearts
in love be drowned
Watch how the emotions
will pour and rebound
A paper and pen
in their hand be given
Love as catalyst
for confidence
to be driven
Watch the fun
how a poet will be born
For writing poetry
become a lovelorn
Within this short phase
many kids have
come to me
Love me as their mother
to learn
how to write poetry
I keep saying
this cannot be taught
It is hidden within you
and comes from the divine heart
For there are
so many poets
With whom you
cannot connect
You need a heart
full of love
for even God to get
I teach my young friends
to love all things around
And see the fun
how poetry within them
is found
Poetry they say is an expression
of emotions and thoughts
No human being
can be devoid
of these two oughts
Also remember
poetry is poetry
And cannot be ever
judged by a single, any
For a poetry declared
dead by some today
May come alive tomorrow
in the hearts of many
I might say.
Ghalib, Frost and Kabir
take birth rarely
Pick up your pens
who knows, what is hidden within
which shows barely
Every one of us keeps
a cosmos within
Love alone can bring out
the things hidden, therein.
If there is love in heart
Poetry can’t be far apart
©sunita grover raina2022
Photo credit to the owner

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