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Everyone who stopped
to touch my path
Has touched my soul
Has touched my heart
With one lesson learnt
I came to earth
Same lesson again
I will carry with death
The more I learn
The less I fear
The more they come
and more are dear
Since young I knew
They will come to me
Will give me something
To take and see
I am loaded now with
what they did give
My past connections
with them I had lived
The yearnings,
in their heart,
was I
I moved in dreams
and made them sigh
I see them all
I know them all
I only,
their hints and calls
God! things are now
so clear to me
you showed past births
in this birth to me
One by one they are
coming near
Their hearts to heal
This love so dear
This birth my last
I know now well
You gave so fast
Now no more hell
This life is just a
lesson to learn
I got it right
Right thing
I yearned
to all
Who came my way
Disguised in attires
My teachers
were they
At the journey’s end
All play same role
They bathe me in love
For love is my soul
I will leave this world
With love only
And live in hearts
Who crave,
love eternally.
©sunita grover raina 2022
photo credit to the owner.

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