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Strange ,it is my wish now
when so drowsy
To write a heart wrenching
love poesy
With this thought in mind
nothing flows
Love disappears
and diminishes its glow
Whereas love in my blood
is fully drowned ,
to drown me in love
and we move around
I forced myself to write
one for a contest
While my whole within and without
I found to fret
It tasted insipid,
every word a depression
Could feel no love in it,
looked like a lesson
Hate to write for contests,
though aiming at jam tarts
Very rarely a cookie rises
with flavours from heart
At times I win but it gives
a temporary satisfaction
Hides in a corner somewhere
for an endless hibernation
I prefer my poems
which come on its own
And the love within it
with time gradually grown
Learnt the same lesson again
and again till now
Any path you choose ,
you are bound to ask how
Let your heart sing love songs
and ever rule
And you and your life
in love ever drool.
There is pleasure in taking
what he gives
This satisfaction remains
as long as life lives.
Nothing more now
I need to learn
It is just your paradise
my heart yearns.
©sunita grover raina2021
Photo credit net

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