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By shattering time to fragmented pieces
And giving it some stupid names
My life was made to lose many a races
My life lost many well planned games
Had time been allowed to your needs, flow
No limitations of time imposed
I would have like a worm glowed
Reached the destination with my speed slowed
It is the pressure which makes a loser
For they cut time to abstract pieces
And if not achieved within the fixed time
Made to pack bags as if life ceases
Wish efficiency was never timed
Or judged by what in time cleared
I became wise maybe some years later
But equal are we now, to each other dare
What counts is what you are right now
And if you reached their wisely
Many an intelligent piece was viewed
Who only could talk precisely
By shattering time to fragmented pieces
And giving it some stupid names
My life was made to lose many a races
My life lost many well planned games.
©sunita grover raina 2023

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