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Let loose the reins of life
It is your holding tight
It is your pulling back
That has caused the turmoil
Made all things black
Took you off track
Time loves to move
at its own pace
Time loves to be a winner
in all race
You pulled it back
Made things to stack
Let go off reins
You are the obstacle
So, on you it rained
Learn to move
with the flow of time
Learn to trust
that energy divine
You pulled back
for the knots you tied
You pulled back for those
who slowed or died
You have to move
with the flow of time
Reach that goal
and touch that shine
Relax and sip
your share of wine
You want to slow,
go ahead and crib
Keep wiping tears
and drool that dribs.
©sunita grover raina 2023

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