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What can I tell a friend
Who only stares at me
He has lost his speech
And can’t even write
What a terrible disease is this
‘Blood sugar’
He was struggling for words to utter
But tears rolled down his eyes
And sounds of weeping
loud and clear
Which I had
never to hear
Before this devil caught
It will take him too
And I can nothing do
Told him not to worry
For till I am alive
I will be sorry
To have to see such sights
Which have been giving me
non stop frights
But now one thing I know
to kill any devil
you have to be
a daredevil too
All my good
I change to act
I change to react
If one has to go
Take him peacefully
Why kill his soul
Thousands of times
Every minute he is dying
His soul is crying
I would have begged God
to lift me long ago
This is a promise to my soul
I lived ever
To live the pains of others
His work too now
I will complete and go
I pray to God to keep me going
Or else I will never be at ease
My soul will never be at peace
For someone has to take the load
Let that be me
Yes I am a Karma yogi.
I willingly offer myself
To work on karmas
Let all my energies surmount
To balance the accounts
For I do not wish to see
this world again
I cannot see any more pain.
©sunita grover raina2022

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