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Enough about this life I thought
We both in similar ways were brought
We surely listen to what all say
Deeply ponder, but both, go our ways
The great man has chalked my life for me
Sends minor quakes to jolt that frees
Frees me from expectations kept pent
When expectations die, nothing left to repent
These attachments had made me weak for years
With every loss it gave me tears
The tears dry up but fear remains
For every loss gives me lots of pain
No more attachments, I now will make
We are destined to go, you will surely take
I have set up a switch in my heart for free
Just switch them off, who fell from my tree
Love and music always kept me alive
Now poetry has entered in my life to drive
Life are we not similar in ways of thinking
I too mutate to fit the mould, wildly kinking.
© sunita grover raina2022

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