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We are just nothing but puppets
Our destinies nicely planned too
No need to blow your trumpets
Ask yourself once , just who are you
We do not know the next moment
Will we even get to see it
But our plans are endless enrolments
Thinking we will ever be fit
So many fit freaks did I see
So punctual in their daily timings
Time did not let them be
Was busy too with their designing
We have come in this world of dreams
For just one purpose I feel
To work as per time’s schemes
And not for what to us appeals
Time is the biggest mystery
We all cling on to hope
We all walk towards cemetery
Seeing dreams fully doped
The five fingers in hand are different
The five children in same home too
Nourished by the same parents
Walked different paths when they grew
We came in this world for a purpose
Barriers we created to distract
This world is nothing but a circus
Performers are we doing our acts
We are just nothing but puppets
Our destinies nicely planned too
No need to blow your trumpets
Ask yourself once , just who are you
©sunita grover raina 2023

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